27 years have passed from the restoration of Azerbaijan’s State Independence

27 years have passed from the restoration of Azerbaijan’s State Independence

18 october 2018

Baxış sayı: 3464

The event devoted to the State Independence Day has been held on the 18th of October at Azerbaijan University.  Azerbaijan’s 27 years independence history has been glanced in the event. It has been mentioned that modern and independent Azerbaijan is the political heir of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic which was established on the28th of May 1918 and was known as first parliamentary republic of the Islamic world.

The ceremony has started with the anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Opening the meeting Professor Y. Gasimov, vice-rector on scientific works of Azerbaijan University, notified that current year had been fertile in important occasions. He emphasized that the celebration these events had to raise pride in every citizen of Azerbaijan. The vice rector noticed: “Azerbaijan Democratic Republic that we have celebrated 100th anniversary at the state level traced deeply in genetic memory of our nation. These traces were moral power of Azerbaijanis in the process of restoration of independence and collapsing of Soviet Union at the end of 80s. If ADR wasn’t established in 1918 Constitutional Act on State Independence wouldn’t be accepted, Azerbaijan State independence couldn’t be rebuilt”.

Head of the department of social sciences, Professor Gabil Aliyev gave a talk on the social-political situation in Azerbaijan at the end of 80s,  Armenians’ claim for Mountainous Karabakh  and its results, national-liberation movement commenced in 1988 and the efforts of Soviet empire to strangle this awakening, the declaration of Azerbaijan’s Independence to the world for the second time in XX century.

The head of department who mentioned our nationwide leader H.Aliyev’s words : “To obtain the independence is as difficult as to maintain and strengthen it”, has  informed about our nationwide leader’s the priceless service in the restoration and strengthening of our state’s independence and has glanced the works that have been done by president Ilham Aliyev since 2003.

The development strategy that was determined by nationwide leader H.Aliyev has been carried on successfully by the president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

As a result of these processes Azerbaijan has become independent and powerful not only in the region but also in the world.

Then the members of Student Youth Organization- the students of the faculty social sciences Aytakin Karimova, Imran Mahammadov, Gunay Najafova,  Aytac Mardanova, and the student of the faculty Business and Economics Rufat Aliyev gave talks, told poems, sang songs about Azerbaijan.

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