An open lesson on "Forms and clinical manifestations of drug addiction" was held
An open lesson on the topic "Forms and clinical manifestations of drug addiction", was held for the 2nd year undergraduate students majoring in social work in various fields of life, in the subject "Social Work with drug abusers living with HIV, AIDS and TB," by the teacher of the Department of Social Work, Tarana Movsumova.
The course focused on the one of the most important problems of our modern world, the drug addiction is still being in a concern of humanity. It was noted that whereas previously several countries were facing with the threat of drug abuse, now it is almost impossible to find a country that does not take the bitter consequences of drug trafficking.
It has been reported that as a result of this problem and the insufficient assessment of the public danger, drug addiction has spread among people, especially youth, as a contagious disease expanding its territory reached the level of destruction the world where we live in.
Then the students presented their researches on drug addiction and the facts about international experience.
Tunzala Verdiyeva, Head of the Department of Social Work, participated in an open lesson.
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