Nasiman Yaqublu delivered a lecture on Republic at Azerbaijan University

Nasiman Yaqublu delivered a lecture on Republic at Azerbaijan University

30 october 2018

Baxış sayı: 4772

The researcher of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, doctor of historical sciences, professor Nasiman Yaqublu has been the next guest of traditional lectures on “ADR 100” which are held at Azerbaijan University.

Opening the ceremony Vice rector on scientific works of the university Y. Qasimov has mentioned about the celebrating the 100th anniversary at the state level and holding multi- oriented events on this subject at Azerbaijan University during the year. Introducing N. Yagublu to the students and informing about his investigation sphere the vice rector notified that scholar’s book called “Republic Builder” had been one of the best present to the 100th anniversary.

The book that deals with detailed information about Azerbaijan Democratic Republic’s Builder has been the result of long-term, serious investigations.

N. Yaqublu mentioned that the book is about the ministers that were leader in the state management and it involves the works that were done by the prominent personalities for the short period of time.

With the archives of Georgia, Turkey, Russia, Germany and Poland the personal archives have been used in the writing of the book.

The historian touched upon the problems like the preparation for the Independent Declaration, the struggle for Baku and its liberation from the invasion of Armenian-bolshevik troops, the reason of circumvention of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Resting upon the documents he has made detailed and interesting report about 59 republic builders’ life and activity who founded the national, juridical and democratic state system in Azerbaijan.

It has been mentioned that more than 270 bills proposed for discussion and 230th of 270 were passed during Azerbaijan Democratic Republic’s 23 month existence period.

The changing of the governmental cabinet five times was the evidence of the formation of the democratic management system. In these cabinets about 35 ministers were worked. The youngest minister was 23 years old. 16 ministers were lawyer. This factor also played main role in the development of the republic on the base of law.

It was pointed that republic builders’ life ended tragically. Some were shot, some were sent into exile, and some were in migration. All were talented and well-educated personalities. At the same time they preferred nation’s and homeland’s interests to everything.

The historian had his memorial photo taken with the students in the end. N. Yagublu who visited the auditorium of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic made a present his signed book called “Republic Builder” to the library of the university.

Public Relations Department