Acceptance of abstracts for the conference dedicated to the 880th anniversary of Nizami Ganjavi continues
Acceptance of abstracts for the international conference "Nizami Ganjavi's works as a literary and historical source in studying the ethnogenesis of the Azerbaijani people in the context of the Caucasus and the Turkic world" to be held on May 7, 2021, at the University of Azerbaijan continues.
Those wishing to participate in the conference can send their abstracts prepared following the instructions for authors to the e-mail address until April 25, 2021.
The directions of the conference are classified as follows:
- Historical facts in the works of Nizami Ganjavi
- Issues of national identity in the works of Nizami Ganjavi
- The role of Nizami Ganjavi's creativity in studying the ethnogenesis of the Azerbaijani people
- Nizami Ganjavi and modern history
- Forms, genres, and poetics in Nizami's heritage and classical Eastern literature
- The problem of synthesis of Eastern and Western cultures in Nizami's work
- Nizami literary school and its main features
- Influence of Nizami's ideas and subjects on the literature of Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Indian, and other Eastern peoples
- Nizami and Azerbaijani literature
- Nizami Ganjavi and folklore issues
The scientific conference to be organized as part of the "Year of Nizami" is dedicated to the 880th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi. Given the pandemic, the conference is planning to hold online.
Go to the conference page:
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