A webinar on the economic views of Nizami Ganjavi was held

A webinar on the economic views of Nizami Ganjavi was held

20 may 2021

Baxış sayı: 2043

A webinar dedicated to the economic views of the great Azerbaijani poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi was organized by the Department of Finance and Economics of the Azerbaijan University. The event was organized within the framework of the university's "Nizami Ganjavi Year" action plan.

The webinar featured speeches by Deputy Head of the Department Nariman Boyukkishi, teacher of the department Rafael Mardiyev, associate professor of the Azerbaijani language and literature Farhad Madatov on economic issues and motives in the works of the great poet.

It was noted in the speeches that Nizami Ganjavi, one of the prominent representatives of Azerbaijani literature in the XII-XIII centuries, in his poems, along with the current problems of his time, expressed his views on various aspects of economic life. Nizami Ganjavi, who was not indifferent to the socio-economic relations and contradictions of his time, reflected his views on the socio-economic structure of society, labor, division of labor, wealth and its sources, consumption, exchange, trade, price, money, supply and demand, domestic and foreign trade, tax system and put forward ideas about similar issues. Valuable thoughts and ideas put forward by the great poet, who is looking for ways to eliminate social injustice in society, attract attention and retain their relevance as a very valuable contribution to the history of economic thought.

The participants were informed about the research of economists studying the economic issues of Nizami's legacy - Doctor of Economics, Professor Aligulu Farajov and Doctor of Economics, Professor Mammadhasan Meybullayev.

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