Polish Scientist Tomasz Bober Gives a Lecture to Students

Polish Scientist Tomasz Bober Gives a Lecture to Students

26 april 2022

Baxış sayı: 1396

Tomasz Bober, a lecturer at the University of Economics in Krakow, Poland, is lecturing to English-speaking students at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the Azerbaijan University through ‘ Erasmus + exchange’ program. Thomas Bober's first lecture was on "History, Forms and Trends in E-Commerce." The lecture covered topics such as forms of e-commerce, the impact of computer technology network on the development of the economy, business and e-commerce, the development of trade, which has an ancient history, now as a digital business.

The Polish teacher’s  further lectures will be on "Differ from competitors in creative advertising and marketing innovations" and "Development of a business plan".

It should be noted that before the classes, Thomasz Bober met with Yusif Gasimov, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, and Bakhtiyar Badalov, Head of the International Relations Department.

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