We congratulate Professor Anar Isgandarov on his birthday

We congratulate Professor Anar Isgandarov on his birthday

10 january 2018

Baxış sayı: 7887

Doctor of historical sciences, professor Anar Isgandarov celebrates his 62 years. We congratulate the professor on the occasion of his new age on behalf of the staff of Azerbaijan University, wish him good health and success in his scientific-pedagogical activities.

Anar Jamal oglu Isgandarov was born on January 10, 1956 in Masally region. He graduated from the History faculty of Baku State University in 1978. He defended his Ph.D. thesis on the specialty historiography for the first time in the Republic in 1989, he defended his doctoral thesis on the theme "Historiography of the Turkish-Muslim genocide problem in Azerbaijan in 1917-1918" in 2004. He received a professor title in 2005.

He is the Head of the Department of Source of Studies, Historiography and Methodology of Baku State University since 1999, he is a professor of the same department since 2005. He is a professor of the Department of Social Sciences of  Azerbaijan University since 2014.   

His area of research is the source of studies and historiography of 1917-1920 years.

Anar Isgandarov was awarded with wrist-watch of the Prime minister of the Republic of Turkey and “Altun” gold medal for delivering a speech in the scientific conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey in 1998, and “Gold breast emblem” of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States in 2008. By the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he was awarded with the "Progress" Medal in 2009, by the other Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan he was awarded with the 3rd degree "For service to the Motherland" for the service of studying the period of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan in 2016.

Being the author of more than 10 books and dozens of articles, the book "Realities of Azerbaijan: 1917-1920” by the eminent scientist was published in the United States.  A prominent expert on Turkish-Armenian studies, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Justin MacCarthy wrote a foreword of the book.

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