Professor Kamran Aliyev`s 65th anniversary

Professor Kamran Aliyev's 65th anniversary

04 march 2018

Baxış sayı: 6293

It 65th anniversary of the corresponding member of ANAS, honored scientist, doctor of philological sciences, professor of Azerbaijan University, Kamran Aliyev.

We congratulate the outstanding scientist on the occasion of his 65th anniversary on behalf of the staff of the Azerbaijan University, wish him health and success in scientific, pedagogical and publicity activities!

Kamran Imran oglu Aliyev was born in 1953 in Sharur region of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. In 1974 he graduated with honors from the Philology faculty of the Azerbaijan State University. In 1976-1979 he studied at the Institute of Literature named after Nizami of ANAS. He defended his candidate in 1980 but Ph.D. dissertation in 1990. He is a member of the Scientific Council of the Folklore Institute and the Defense Council, a member of the Writers' Union of Azerbaijan, head of the Department of Folklore Institute of ANAS.

He is a researcher of romantic style, he has seriously focused on literary processes in his scientific work. The study of the actual problems of Azerbaijani romance, the first systematization of formation sources, the unity of literary-theoretical views and artistic creativity of romantics, and the creation of the subtleties of poetics of the 20th century Azerbaijan romance are related to the name of Kamran Aliyev.

He is an author of the monographs such as literary-theoretical views of XX century Azerbaijani romantics (1985), Huseyn Javid's personality and poetry (1997), from Mirza Fatali to Huseyn Javid (1998), The miracle of Javid (2002), poetics of Azerbaijani reomance (2002), theory of Azerbaijani reomance (2006), Romanticism and Folklore (2006), Theory of Azerbaijanism romanticism (2006), Huseyn Javid: Life and creativity (2008), if not Abbas Zamanov (2011), Epos poetics: Dada Gorgud and Koroglu (2011), The poetics of the critique (2012), course materials such as Literature (2010), Azerbaijani Language (2011), and the book Sadarak Wars (1992).

He has conducted fudicial studies on the life and creativity of prominent representatives of Azerbaijani classical literature, with over 20 books, about 250 scientific and scientific-publicistic articles.

Along with scientific research, he has been engaged in pedagogical activity in high schools in different years.

As per the decree of President Ilham Aliyev, prof. Kamran Aliyev was awarded the honorary title "Honored Scientist" in 2015 for his contribution to the development of Azerbaijani science on the occassion of the 70th anniversary of ANAS.

In 2017 he was elected as a corresponding member of ANAS.

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