Professor Maharram Gasimli’s 60th anniversary

Professor Maharram Gasimli’s 60th anniversary

05 august 2018

Baxış sayı: 4297

Professor of Azerbaijan University, chairman of Azerbaijan Ashugs Union, honored scientist, doctor of philological sciences, honorary literary critic, folklorist, poet Maharram Gasimli celebrates his 60th anniversary.

We congratulate the eminent scientist on the occasion of his 60th anniversary on behalf of the staff of Azerbaijan University, wish him good health and success in his scientific-pedagogical and publicistic activities.

Maharram Pasha Gasimli was born in Alakol village of Tovuz region in 1958. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Baku State University.

Maharram Gasimli, an outstanding writer of the ancient and medieval Azerbaijani literature, is a State Prize Laureate. He is in the editorial staff of the ten-volume "History of Azerbaijan Literature" edition since 1994. He is the author of “Ashug sanati”, “Sene sozum var”, "Ozan-ashug” sanati" monographs.  His articles have been published in the authorized scientific journals in our country and abroad.

He is the Head of Folklore Department of ANAS Institute of Literature named after Nizami. Mr.Gasimli is the editor-in-chief of "Folklore and ethnography" journal since 200. He writes poems under the pen-name “Orkhan Pasha”

Maharram Gasimli was awarded the Order of Glory for its long-term activity in the study of Azerbaijan ashug art by the decree of President Ilham Aliyev a few days ago.

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