We congratulate Professor Gabil Aliyev on his birthday

We congratulate Professor Gabil Aliyev on his birthday

13 october 2018

Baxış sayı: 3730

Today is the birthday of Professor Social Sciences Department, doctor of historical sciences Gabil Aliyev. We congratulate Mr. Aliyev on his birthday, wish him success in his scientific-pedagogical and publicicity activity!

Gabil Ali Aliyev was born in 1956 in Merdinli village of Fuzuli region. He studied at Yuxari Seyidahmadli village secondary school of the same region in 1962-1972.

He graduated from Faculty of History of Baku State University with honors. 

He defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences on "Baku-Tbilisi railway construction and its impact on Azerbaijan's economic, social and cultural life (80-90s of the 19th century)" in 1986, later he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences on “Development of Transport in Northern Azerbaijan at the beginning of the XIX-XX centuries” in 2003.

He is a professor since 2005.

He began his labor activity in 1977 in Yukhari Seyidahmadli secondary school of Fuzuli region. Since 1981 he worked as a teacher, senior lecturer at the Department of History of the USSR at Baku State University (the period before the October Revolution of 1917). He continued his education in the specialty "Homeland History" at the graduate school of this university.

Since 1992 he has been working as a senior lecturer, associate professor and professor at the Department of History of the Turkic and Caucasian Peoples of Baku State University.

He has been working at Azerbaijan University since 2013.

He is the author of 11 books and more than scinetific journals.

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