Professor Kazanfar Kazimov gave a lecture to the philology students

Professor Kazanfar Kazimov gave a lecture to the philology students

09 october 2019

Baxış sayı: 3753

The third year students of the Philology (Azerbaijani Language and Literature) of  Azerbaijan University visited the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS.

The students visited the linguist, professor Kazanfar Kazimov and listened to a master class on Modern Azerbaijani Language.The lecture involve the origins of the language, the earliest single-syllable word roots, the formation of primitive words with examples from the world languages, great language, monogenesis, the formation of member languages, language families, displacement of the Turkic-speaking peoples, the thousands of Sumerian tiles monuments which made of clay  and read only a few of them and analyze such problems.

At the end of the event, Kazanfar Kazimov donated his books to the students and  was on the photos with them.

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