A professor of Azerbaijan University was elected a member of the public council

A professor of Azerbaijan University was elected a member of the public council

09 april 2019

Baxış sayı: 3392

Mayis Aliyev, Professor of the Department of Social Work Organization of the Azerbaijan University, was elected a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population. The membership card was presented at the meeting of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population Sahil Babayev with members of the Public Council.

At the meeting, the Minister underlined that one of the tasks set by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, is the creation of enabling environment for public participation in the activities of those institutions and the strengthening of public oversight. Important work is being done in this direction in the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population.

Chairman of the Public Council, Head of the International Eurasia Press Fund Umud Mirzayev ensured the Council's execution of its tasks, implementation of public monitoring, monitoring of the legislation, familiarization with new legislative projects, etc. and noted that the relevant conditions were created by the Ministry for this purpose and expressed the satisfaction of the members of the Council.

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