The winter exam session has ended at Azerbaijan University

The winter exam session has ended at Azerbaijan University

12 february 2021

Baxış sayı: 1975

The exam session of the autumn semester of the 2020/2021 academic year at the University of Azerbaijan was organized from January 11 to February 6 in the form of online oral and online tests.

In the current exam session, 97.8% of students took a total of 809 exams at the bachelor's and master's levels.

Twenty-six percent of the exams were online tests and 74 percent were online oral exams.

During the session, the Appeals Commission received 168 appeals on the results of the exams.

The decisions of the commission, which examined the proposals and appeals of students from January 1 to 8, also applied to students who appealed.

According to the results of online oral exams, the exam grades of students who applied to the Appeals Commission with a lack of 1-3 points were increased to 51 by the order of the rector, taking into account the opinion of the commission to avoid the academic debt.

Public Relations Department