The winter exam session at Azerbaijan University will start on the 30th of December

The winter exam session at Azerbaijan University will start on the 30th of December

24 december 2019

Baxış sayı: 2589

The winter exam session for the 2019/2020 academic year at  Azerbaijan University will begin on December 30, 2019.

According to the order of the rector, there will be an "Examination Center" to organize the session on the basis of existing regulations, to ensure transparency and objectivity in assessing students' knowledge during the session, to control the organization and course of exams, and to eliminate any negative situations.

Measures will be taken to promptly investigate complaints and complaints received by the headquarters.

The public and parents will be allowed to participate in examinations to ensure transparency during the session.

People who want to participate in exams should contact the Department of Education by calling (+99412) 431 41 12 (ext. 118).

During the winter exam session, the Commission of Appeals will operate in accordance with the specialty departments to reassess students' knowledge and resolve conflicts during the exam.

Public Relations Department