Farid Ahmadov, the rector of Azerbaijan University, delivered a speech in International Istanbul Law Congress

Farid Ahmadov, the rector of Azerbaijan University, delivered a speech in International Istanbul Law Congress

20 october 2016

Baxış sayı: 8332

Farid Ahmadov, the rector of Azerbaijan University, has delivered a speech in the International Istanbul Law Congress.The speech was dedicated to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


The congress featured discussions on the efficiency of a judical system, reforms and best practice, implementation of modern technology in courts and training of judges, and cooperation in the field of justice as well as other ongoing issues.   The delegation representing Azerbaijan in the event was led by Fikrat Mammadov, the chief of the Judical-Legal Council and the Justice Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic.


The members of Azerbaijan delegation actively participated in the discussion and made their speeches on the related topics. In the “Bilateral and Multilateral international contracts” session of the congress, the Azerbaijan delegation highlighted the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh confilict, as well as the fact that 20 percent of Azerbaijan territory was occupied by Armenia and about one million of people had become refugees and internally displaced persons.


The speech of Farid Ahmadov, the rector of Azerbaijan University, dedicated to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was also presented in this section.


The event held on October 17-19, 2016 was organized under the auspices of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of the Republic of Turkey and by the Ministry of Justice of Turkey. The congress was attended by more than 1100 representatives from 40 countries including the ministers of justice, the chairmen of the Constitution and Court, the prosecutors, heads of judicial academies, well-known lawyers and scientists.


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