Rector Saadat Aliyeva’s meetings with students has started

Rector Saadat Aliyeva’s meetings with students has started

25 september 2017

Baxış sayı: 5078

Rector of Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva has started meetings with the students from different groups today. Meetings are held with the purpose of getting acquainted with the students, their impressions about the university, the problems they face, suggestions and comments they offer.

Rector congratulated the students on the occasion of the beginning of the new academic year and wished them success. During the meetings, the students were informed about the implemented issues and innovations in the new academic year.

The first meeting of the day was held with the first year students studying in Azerbaijani language and literature (group 172201). The students participating in the event mainly shared their impressions.

In the second meeting, the third year students of the School of Business and Economics majoring in World Economy (group 154401) and Accounting and Auditing (group 154402) attended, the third meeting was with the third year students of Finance (154403 group).

Whilst second meeting was with the third year students of the School of Business and Economics majoring in World Economy (group 154401) and Accounting and Auditing, in the third meeting third year students of Finance (154403 group) attended.

The last meeting of the day was held with the students of State and Municipal Administration (144410) and Economics (144404 group).  

Rector informed the students that their individual problems, suggestions and opinions will be analyzed and tasks will be given to the relevant structural departments.

The rector's meetings with the students and groups will continue.

Public Relations Department