An event dedicated to May 28 - Republic Day was held

An event dedicated to May 28 - Republic Day was held

27 may 2021

Baxış sayı: 1795

An event dedicated to May 28 - Republic Day and the 103rd anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was organized by the Department of Social Sciences at Azerbaijan University.

At the event, the head of the department of Social Sciences professor Gabil Aliyev, professor of the department Gasim Hajiyev and associate professor of the department Boran Aziz made speeches on "The way to the republic", "The establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and relations with neighbors", "The future of the founders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic". Amina Gojayeva, a first-year master's student majoring in "New and Recent History of Azerbaijan", made a presentation on "The struggle of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic against the territorial claims of Armenia" as well.

It was noted that the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, founded in 1918, is a great event in the history of Azerbaijan in the twentieth century, which has an ancient, rich history and traditions of statehood. Despite its 23-month existence, the republic founded by Mohammad Amin Rasulzadeh and his comrades-in-arms has determined the future of the Azerbaijani people, and therefore will live forever in history.

The speeches focused on the reforms implemented by the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic during its 23 months of existence and the work done, as well as the future of the founders of the republic. It was noted that Azerbaijan, which regained its independence in 1991, is a worthy successor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, is committed to all its democratic traditions and lives these traditions. The proclamation of 2018 as the "Year of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic" by the decree of President Ilham Aliyev is also an expression of the great importance given to the place and role of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in the history of Azerbaijan

statehood. In 2021, we celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic with great pride as a victorious and proud nation.

After the speeches, Sema Mammadova, a fourth-year student majoring in Social Work, recited Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh's poem "Flag".

At the end of the event, participants watched a video dedicated to the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.

Public Relations Department