Green Energy for a Healthy World competition is in the focus of the press

Green Energy for a Healthy World competition is in the focus of the press

01 march 2018

Baxış sayı: 5720

The news about the competition for the best student scientific work on the theme "Green Energy for a Healthy World" declared by the Azerbaijan University, was published in the "Xalq qazeti" newspaper. The competition is also in the center of attention of electronic mass media.

In addition to the “Xalq qazeti”, the “Olaylar” Information Agency and the " Mö " websites also published an interview by the Vice-Rector for Science, Yusif Gasimov. The interview notes that the competition on "Green Energy for a Healthy World" draws attention as a new step in promoting energy efficiency, as well as promoting alternative and renewable energy sources.

The competition as a platform of innovative ideas for young researchers serves to reveal the intellectual potential of students, masters, doctoral candidates and dissertants.

Efficient use of existing energy sources, mobilization of alternative and renewable energy sources keeps the relevance of national and global importance as an economic and environmental issue. Management of energy use is a key issue in preventing climate change, which poses a major threat to our planet.

The competition held by the Azerbaijan University provided opportunities for students, masters and PhD students from all the country's universities to present ideas and proposals that can be implemented in Azerbaijan. The first round of the competition, held in 5 directions and 2 stages, included 30 works from 19 universities. The submitted works were investigated by the relevant commission members and 14 of them were put into the second round. Among the finalists there are students, masters and PhD students from Technical, ADA, Caspian, Oil and Industry, Baku State, France - Azerbaijan, Eurasia, Economics, Pedagogical, Azerbaijan universities and the Higher Oil School.

The Commission consisting of specialists and academics of the State Agency for Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, scientific research institutes of ANAS and leading universities of the country evaluated the relevance, innovation, originality, theoretical and practical importance of the work including the preparation of the presentation, interactive materials as well as demonstration to the audience. The final decision will be announced on the eve of Novruz holiday and the awarding ceremony will be held at the Azerbaijan University. The winners will receive I, II and III degree diplomas, prizes and money awards. The winner of the I place will be awarded 800, second place - 600, third place - 400 manat.

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