30 works from 19 universities have been presented to the competition

30 works from 19 universities have been presented to the competition

08 february 2018

Baxış sayı: 5580

The works submitted to "The Best Student Scientific Work" competition announced by Azerbaijan University on "Green Energy for a Healthy World" are being selected by the relevant commission members. Selected works will get the right to participate in the II stage of the competition and the names of the participants will be posted on the website of Azerbaijan University.

II Stage will be held on February 15, 2018 – March 1, 2018. Participants who pass to the II stage will present their scientific works before the commission during 20 minutes.

The winners will be awarded I, II and III degree diplomas, prizes and money awards.

  • I place – 800 AZN
  • II place – 600 AZN
  • III place – 400 AZN

30 works from 19 universities have been presented to the competition which serves to reveal and shape the creative and intellectual potential of students, masters, doctoral and dissertants. Partner of the competition is the State Agency for Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Public Relations Department