The second stage of "Green Energy for a Healthy World" competition ended

The second stage of

25 february 2018

Baxış sayı: 7724

The second stage of the competition titled "The Best Student Scientific Work" on the theme "Green Energy for a Healthy World" was held. 14 scientific works have been presented before the comission in the next stage of the competition which serves to reveal the creative and intellectual potential of students, masters, doctorates and dissertrants.

Opening the event, Chairman of the Commission, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of Azerbaijan University Yusif Gasimov informed about the progress of the competition. Yusif Gasimov underlined the importance of encouraging and directing Azerbaijani youth to a new direction of economical processes in the fields of ecology and energy in the world. Head of Science Department Latifa Aghamaliyeva introduced jury and participants.

Each participant was given 15 minutes for the presentation. Commission members also assessed the relevance, innovation, originality, innovation, relevance and reasonableness of the results, theoretical and practical significance of the work, preparation of presentation, interactive materials and audience access.

The rector of Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva attended the event as well and wished success to both the commission members and the participants on the intensive and creative work day.

The partner of the competition is the State Agency for Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Awarding ceremony of "The Best Student Scientific Work" competition on "Green Energy for a Healthy World" will be held in March.

Commission members

  • Laboratory Director of the Institute of Radiation Problems of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of chemistry Islam Mustafayev
  • Department Head of the State Agency for Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, candidate of technical sciences - Ramiz Kalbiyev
  • Leading scientific worker Institute of Management Systems of ANAS, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Elkhan Sabziyev
  • Department Head of Scientific Research Institute of Applied Mathematics of Baku State University, doctor of technical sciences Mutallim Mutallimov
  • Senior lecturer of Electronics Department of Azerbaijan Technical University, scientific worker of the Institute of Physics Problems of Baku State University Rashid Aliyev

The participants passed to the second stage

  • Aysel Rustam Karimova - the master student of Azerbaijan Technical University (Prospects of solid biofuels - briquette production in Azerbaijan)
  • Fidan Nurali Yusifbayli, Seymur Salman Jafarli- the student of Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy and master student of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (Energy Saving - Modern Strategic Trend)
  • Mahammad Tofig Alizada, Adil Natig Babayev -the students of Khazar University, (Wireless energy source)
  • Alirza Gurban Orujov - the student of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University (Clean Island)
  • Narmina Vaqif Abbasova- the student of  Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University (Processing of petroleum coke briquettes as  alternative  fuels)
  • Ulker Zahid Balagadashova – the doctorate of Baku State University (Investigation of biodegradation reaction in the presence of heterogeneous catalysts of exhausted oil)
  • Sarkhan Akif Abbaszade, Fahmin Ahmad Zakirli - the students of Azerbaijan University (SaveFy” device for power saving)
  • Ahmad Mehman Zamanov - the student of French-Azerbaijani University (Growbar" new power device)
  • Emin Yasin Mammadov- the master student of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University (Development of hybrid solar and wind energy  systems to provide uninterrupted power supply)
  • Rashid Musa Behbudov - the student of Baku Eurasian University (Extraction of biogas from food waste and its use as alternative energy)
  • Vusal Shahin Guluyev- the student of Baku Higher Oil School (Solar Tree)
  • Khanperi Sadig Azizli – the student of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (Impacts of the global climate change to the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan)
  • Ilkin Malik Marufov-the master student of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University (Application of cogenerated small biogas device  in farming)
  • Narmin Gabil Gahramanli- the master student of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (Wave energy and its exploration) 

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