Safar Kalbikhanli`s new book has been published

Safar Kalbikhanli\'s new book has been published

01 june 2022

Baxış sayı: 1411

The story book "The LastrnRoad" by Safar (Mammadov) Kalbikhanli, dean of the Faculty of Humanitiesrnof Azerbaijan University, writer-publicist, candidate of philological sciences,rnwas published. The book was published by "Mutercim" Publishing andrnPrinting Center.

The book contains the storiesrn"Wedding in the Valley of Demons", "The Last Journey",rn"The Lament of the Old Sycamore", "Hope". The preface tornthe book was written by doctor of philological sciences, professor GorkhmazrnGuliyev. The professor noted that Safar Kalbikhanli’s stories are primarilyrndedicated to the violation of this order due to the erosion of moral valuesrn​​and its inevitable and irreversible consequences.

Safar Ahmed  Mammadov was born on July 7, 1962 in Astanlirnvillage of Yardimli district. During the years 1969-1979, he received hisrnsecondary education in that village. In 1984, he entered the APRLL named afterrnM.F. Akhundov (now Baku Slavic University) and in 1989 he graduated withrnhonors. On January 1, 1992, he entered full-time post-graduate studies of APRLLrnnamed after M.F. Akhundov. In 1994, he defended his candidate's thesisrn"Problems of spirituality in modern Russian and Azerbaijani prose"rn(based on the war-themed works of Y. Bondarev and I. Shikhli and theirrntranslations). Since 1994, candidate of philological sciences, teacher, headrnteacher, since 2003, associate professor. He is the co-author of more than 50rnscientific articles, 1 textbook, 1 methodical manual, one of the translators ofrnY. Polyakov's novel "Goat in milk", translator of V. Nabokov's novelsrn"Mery", "The Luzhin's Defense", "Laughter in the Dark".rnHe is a 2013-2014 Presidential scholarship holder, a member of the AzerbaijanrnWriters' Union.

The 148-page book is thernauthor's 5th book.

Public RelationsrnDepartment
