The event dedicated to the birthday of martyr Fakhraddin Gurbanli was held

The event dedicated to the birthday of  martyr Fakhraddin Gurbanli was held

16 january 2023

Baxış sayı: 5988

The staff of Azerbaijani University took part in the event “I am martyr, I did not die” dedicated to the birthday of martyr Fakhreddin Gurbanli, who fell in April battles. The event was organized by secondary school № 179 named after Gorkhmaz Bakhshiyev and supported by Binagadi District Executive Authority. 

Martyr's grave was visited before the event. Wreath was laid and bouquets of carnations were placed on the grave of martyr. The event was continued at secondary school № 179 named after Gorkhmaz Bakhshiyev. 

The event was attended by families of martyrs, Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) Binagadi District Organization Vusar Ismayilov, deputy head of the District Executive Authority Sevinj Suleymanova, director of school Tural Khatamov, pedagogical and student staff of the school, representatives of Azerbaijan University, where the martyr received his higher education and his fellow students, scientific editor of the book “Benevolent Man”, dedicated to martyr, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy Shahnaz Salamova, as well as Elnur Farzaliyev, comrade-in-arms of martyr. 

The speeches emphasized that the April battles were the beginning of the great Victory, and it was noted that the victory won in these battles raised the spirit of military patriotism of each of our citizens. It was reported that the April battles, where the steps of the Karabakh Victory were heard, inspired our people that our lands would soon be liberated from occupation. And in 2020, the Azerbaijani people united closely around the Victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, demonstrating strength, fortitude, and struggle to the whole world. The Patriotic War has become a source of pride and honor in our history, as well as the Azerbaijani people. 

Tunzala Verdiyeva, head of the Organization of Social Work Department of Azerbaijan University, lecturer of martyr, and Safarali Geybullayev, a student of the University who was awarded the martyr Fakhreddin Gurbanli scholarship for the 2022/2023 academic year, also spoke at the event and expressed their respect to the memory of martyr.  

The composition prepared by pupils of secondary school № 179 named after Gorkhmaz Bakhshiyev and dedicated to martyr Fakhraddin Gurbanli was also demonstrated at the event.  

At the end of the day, the ehsan (commemorative feast) was organized in memory of martyr.

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