An event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the birth of martyr Fakhraddin Gurbanly was held

An event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the birth of martyr Fakhraddin Gurbanly was held

12 january 2024

Baxış sayı: 1081

Nigar Shakhhuseynbayova, Head of the Department of Social Work Organization, and Lala Dilanova, Head of the Public Relations Department of Azerbaijan University, took part in the event “We have a guest from heaven” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the birth of the April martyr Fakhraddin Gurbanly. The event was organized by the literary circle “Leaves of Poetry” of secondary school No. 179 of Binagadi district named after Gorkhmaz Bakhshiyev.

The National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played at the event, and the participants paid tribute to the memory of our fallen soldiers and officers with a minute of silence. A literary and artistic composition dedicated to April martyrs was presented and poems were performed by the pupils of the school at the memorial event.

The event was attended by family members of the martyr, Gadir Mammadov, the representative of the Binagadi District Executive Authority, Rashad Isayev, the representative of the Binagadi settlement municipality, Yusif Niyazly, the chairman of the Binagadi branch of the “Young Veterans” Public Union, a veteran graduate of the school, the martyr's teachers, the participants of the April battles, and the families of the martyrs.

It should be noted that Fakhraddin Gurbanly graduated from Azerbaijan University in 2015 in the specialty of Social Work. In early April 2016, he was killed while preventing the provocation of Armenian military units in the Tatar direction of the contact line. After his death, he was awarded the medal “For Distinction in Military Service” of the 3rd degree.

Public Relations Department