Salahaddin Khalilov at Azerbaijan University

Salahaddin Khalilov at Azerbaijan University

07 may 2018

Baxış sayı: 6716

The first rector of Azerbaijan University, Correspond Member of ANAS, Professor Salahaddin Khalilov visited Azerbaijan University.

Meeting with Rector Saadat Aliyeva and the staff of the university, Salahaddin Khalilov presented over 500 books from his personal library to the University Library.

At the meeting Saadat Aliyeva noted that Azerbaijan University, one of the educational institutions which has significant place in the area of science and education of the Republic, has tried to be worthy of the highest title it has had over the past 27 years. At the university committed to its traditions, considerable work is being done to improve the management of the teaching process, to expand international cooperation and to increase the international reputation of the higher education institution. The goal is always to move forward and to develop.

Salahaddin Khalilov, the first rector of the University noted his thorough observation on the institution ongoing activities and achievements, and wished further success to the staff. 

Public Relations Department