Students of the School of Social Work were awarded with certificate of appreciation

Students of the School of Social Work were awarded with certificate of appreciation

02 november 2017

Baxış sayı: 7941

The students of the School of Social Work of Azerbaijan University, who participated as volunteers at the event on "School of Active Rehabilitation for Students with disabilities" were awarded with the certificate of appreciation. Certificates of appreciation were presented to the students by Aydin Khalilov, chairman of the “Independent Life” Development and Support Center and Nazim Ibadov, chairman of the Buta Humanitarian Child Fund.

The event was organized by the experts of “Independent Life” Development & Support Centre Public Union on the program  "Human Rights, Democratization and Good Governance in Azerbaijan" by Eurasia Partnership Foundation within the project "Advocacy for Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities: Barrier-Free Environment” with the organizational support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population and Baku Seaside Boulevard Office, and with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands in Baku Boulavard in September.

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