Support for wheelchair users from Azerbaijan University students

Support for wheelchair users from Azerbaijan University students

20 september 2017

Baxış sayı: 6309

An instructional meeting was held with the students of Azerbaijan University, who will participate as volunteers at the event titled “Active rehabilitation school for wheelchair users"

At the meeting, volunteers from Social Work faculty were informed about their roles and responsibilities during the event, demonstration of specific support for people with disabilities - behavior with wheelchairs was discussed as well. Discussion was also held on topics such as disability awareness, disability classification, disability labeling, environmental accessibility, independent life philosophy, and students' questions were answered.

Head of the "Independent Life" Development and Support Center Aydin Khalilov, chairman of Buta Child's Humanitarian Fund Nazim Ibadov, deputy chairman of the organization Matanat Guliyeva, program manager of Eurasia Partnership Foundation Gulnara Ismayilova attended the event.  

The event will be held as a part of the project titled "Advocacy for Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities: Barrier-Free Environment” on September 26 in the Seaside Boulevard. The event is scheduled to begin at 17.30.

The event will be organized with the organizational support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population and Baku Seaside Boulevard Office, with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, experts from the Eurasia Partnership Foundation the “Independent Living” Development & Support Center of the Public Union "Human Rights, Democratization and Good Governance in Azerbaijan".

Public Relations Department