An event was held by the department of organization of social work dedicated to the International Day of the Girl Child

An event was held by the department of organization of social work dedicated to the International Day of the Girl Child

11 october 2022

Baxış sayı: 8335

An event dedicated to October 11 - International Day of the Girl Child was held by the Department of Social Work Organization at Azerbaijan University. The event was opened by the department head , Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy Mrs. Tunzale Verdiyeva. The head of the department noted that the International Day of the Girl Child was established in 2011 by the resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The purpose of the International Day of the Girl Child is to focus on solving the problems faced by girls, empowering them and protecting their rights.

Following the opening speech, Head of the Сhild-adolescent health and occupational health Department of AMU, Ph.D. in Medicine, Expert-consultant of the "Healthy Education - Healthy Nation" project, head of the group of specialists of the project "Monitoring the health of children and adolescents studying in secondary educational institutions", candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Mrs. Shahla Balayeva made a speech. Mrs. Shahla Balayeva's speech covered topics such as actual issues of reproductive health for young girls, effective nutrition of girls, physical activity, sexual health of young girls, psychological state and way of thinking, healthy lifestyle, role of girls in family planning.

Later, Mrs. Nigar Shahhuseynbeyova, a teacher of the Department of organization of Social Work, made a speech and stated that girls have the right to safety, education and a healthy life not only in their teenage years, but also in their later years. Girls who are supported during adolescence have the potential to change the world.

At the end, the questions of the event participants were answered and a commemorative photo was taken.

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