Students majoring in Social Work were informed about the “International Migrants Day”
At the initiative of the Department of Organization of Social Work, an event dedicated to “December 18 – International Migrants Day” was held at Azerbaijan University. Guest of the event was Dr. of Philosophy Azer Allakhveranov, member of the Supervisory Board of the Agency for State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the Eurasian Platform for Migration Initiatives public association, Chairman of the Presidium of the NGO Coalition “Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Socio-Economic Development”, Chairman of the Public Council under State Migration Service.
At the event, which was attended by students majoring in Social Work, head of the department Tunzala Verdieva noted that the “International Migrants Day” has been celebrated since 2000. Stating that migrants belong to a vulnerable category, head of the department said that currently the world is experiencing the largest influx of migrants since the Second World War. Regulation of migration processes, protection of migrants' rights are among the most pressing issues. In this regard, it is extremely important that students studying in the specialty of Social Work be aware of the processes taking place in the world in this area.
The guest of the event, Azer Allakhveranov, drew attention to the statistical indicators of the state of migration in the world and in Azerbaijan and said that the number of migrants around the world is increasing every year. The expert noted that in almost all countries of the world, the migration process manifests itself in one form or another. Today there are about 200 million migrants in the world. Along with search for a better life, increasing of wars also leads to people leaving their countries, and the migration process takes place on a broader scale. Therefore, regulation of migration processes, their effective management, as well as ensuring the rights of migrants are of particular importance.
Guest also informed the students about migrants, migration, forms of migration, countries of origin and destination, migration exchange, internal migration, the role of migrants in intercultural communication, the organizations of migrants, the difficulties and threats of migration and other topical issues.
At the end, students' questions about the topic were answered.
Public Relations Department