Sociologist Ahmed Mansurov conducted a lecture for the Social Work students

Sociologist Ahmed Mansurov conducted a lecture for the Social Work students

07 may 2019

Baxış sayı: 3764

The chairman of the Public Union of “Youth Sustainable Development”, sociologist Ahmed Mansurov was a guest lecturer at Azerbaijan University for Social Work students. Sociologist held a lecture for the 3rd year students on the topic “ Violence and Domestic Violence”.

The guest mentioned that domestic violence is not the problem of the family, it is the main problem of the whole community as well. Therefore the struggle needs a careful and tender approach, because of its complicated process.

The concept of violence, its causes, types, features, the implementation of the law “Preventing the Domestic Violence” and other aspects had been discussed in the lecture. The question  “How to assist people suffering domestic violence?” was thoroughly considered and some cases were reviewed during the lecture. 

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