Career tranings of Student Scientific Society completed

Career tranings of Student Scientific Society completed

23 may 2018

Baxış sayı: 4329

The trainings organized by the Student Scientific Society of Business and Economics Faculty to prepare the students for business life and practical skills, have been completed. A certification ceremony was organized for the students who completed the trainings.

The trainings involving 60 students covered the topics such as proper CV preparation, job interview preparation, psychological training for work environment, education abroad, motivation, body language, business efficiency and so on.   

Head of “Oskar Education and Consulting Company” Hikmet Safarov trained the students on "Education Abroad", a consultant on educational issues of the Heydar Aliyev Modern Education Complex Anar Mammadov on "Business Efficiency", Vice-Dean of Business and Economics Faculty Natig Mammadov on "Motivation", Founder of Orkhanway Coaching Orkhan Shahbaz on "Body Language", Fakhraddin Abdullayev "How to prepare an effective CV" themes.

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