The students of Azerbaijan University get acquainted with the “Tech-Tech Khanim” project

The students of Azerbaijan University get acquainted with the “Tech-Tech Khanim” project

21 october 2016

Baxış sayı: 5312

The presentation on the “Tech-Tech Khanim” project of “WoWoman” platform, designed to support the professional and personal development of women in Azerbaijan, has been held at Azerbaijan University. The presentation was conducted by Kamala Ismayilova, a project manager of the platform.

In the event, attended by female students, it was noted that despite the rapid development of information technology, women are under-represented in ICT sector of Azerbaijan. The “Tech-Tech khanim” project was founded to improve women’s knowledge and skills on information and technology. The project provides women support with full in today's business environment by improving their ICT skills.

The participants were informed about the program of “Tech-Tech Khanim” project, short-term and long-term courses, trainings, intership programs, workshops and summer shcool, as well as the project trainers and the terms of the participation.

Fatima Rzayeva, PR project manager of the event shared her experience with students.

After the presentation, the guests answered the students' questions.

Public Relations and Publishing Department