An essay competition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the ADR is announced

An essay competition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the ADR is announced

04 may 2018

Baxış sayı: 4796

An essay competition called "The Republic of Azerbaijan is the successor of the ADR" is announced among the students of Azerbaijan University within the framework of the 100th anniversary events.  The main purpose of the competition is to study and propagate the history of our statehood and republican values, to reveal the talents and abilities of the students in the field of literary creativity.

The students must write their essays on the themes "Azerbaijan Democratic Ideology and Modern Azerbaijan" and "Artistic Expression of the Azerbaijan Democratic Ideology in Contemporary Literature".  Along with the information about themselves (name, last name, father's name, specialty, contact number) the students have to send their essays to with the title "ADR-100, Essay Competition" till 23.59 p.m. of May 20, 2018. The volume of the essays must be 2-3 pages.

The presented works will be assessed on the basis of the usage of historical facts, the clear expression of the idea, the literary language writing in compliance with the written rules, and the original approach.

The students who take first three places in the competition will be awarded with a certificate on May 25 at the event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.

Public Relations Department