The program "Discover Your Voice" was presented to the students

The program

25 october 2019

Baxış sayı: 2887

Presentation of Baku IdeaLab's "Discover Your Voice" program projects as "Change Your City", "He's My Hero", "School of Social Business" was presented to the students of Azerbaijan University. The presentation was made by Fatma Ismailova, community manager of Baku IdeaLab Social Project.

The event provided information on the activities, goals, programs and projects of Baku IdeaLab. It was noted that young women aged 18-30 living in Baku and Sumgait can participate in all three projects.

The project “Change Your City” aims to provide 80 young women with the necessary knowledge and skills on social participation and project management. The goal of the project "She is My Hero" is to teach 80 young women, who want to build their social business, practical skills necessary for creating visual stories and to support them in the production of video and photo illustrations. Within the project “Social Business School”, 40 young women will be taught practical skills necessary to build social business, and they will be supported to build their own social business.

Participants were also informed about application rules and the questions were answered.

Public Relations Department