Our students watched a play in the State Pantomime Theatre

Our students watched a play in the State Pantomime Theatre

07 may 2019

Baxış sayı: 3291

Translation, Social Work and Philology faculties’ students watched the play “Underground” at the Azerbaijan State Pantomime Theatre with the initiative of the “Empathy” club functioning in the Department of the Social Work Organization and the support of the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature.

The new play “Underground”, taking a special place in the repertoire of the theatre, deals with the actors’ fantasy related to processes occurring in the dark underground world and the ability to overcome the challenges that were faced. The performance gained a great interest of students because of the discussion of main youth problems of the 21st century. The aim of the performance was to convey the dangers of drug addiction and the imminent complications of it, phone addiction causing isolation of young people from the society and indifference to life and surrounding people as well.

The playwright, director, music maker and artist of the performance are the actors of the theatre.

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