Our students went on an excursion in Gilan Textile Park

Our students went on an excursion in Gilan Textile Park

14 december 2021

Baxış sayı: 1501

Students of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies of Azerbaijan University majoring in Consumer Goods Expertise and Marketing visited the Gilan Textile Park in Sumgayit. The students were led by Azer Huseynov, associate professor of Mathematics and Informatics.

Before getting acquainted with the production process, the students were given detailed information about the history and activities of the enterprise. It was noted that Gilan Textile Park, which started operating in 2012, produces textile products that meet world standards.

After getting acquainted with the safety measures, the students toured the production areas such as spinning, weaving, dyeing, sewing and got acquainted with the production process. Employees of Gilan Textile Park informed the students about modern technologies used in the enterprise. Students also watched the process of making medical masks here.


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