Tunzala Verdiyeva`s monograph has been published

Tunzala Verdiyeva's monograph has been published

30 december 2021

Baxış sayı: 2196

The monograph "Pedagogical and psychological bases of social adaptation of children and adolescents with autism" by Tunzala Verdiyeva, Head of the Department of Social Work, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, was published by the decision of the Meeting of the Scientific Council of Azerbaijan University on October 25, 2021.

The monograph examines the nature, history, current situation of the problem of autism and shows the ways of adaptation of children and adolescents with autism to society, the opportunities for self-awareness. Research on the causes of autism, its diagnosis and correction is also reflected in the monograph.

The monograph provides an extensive study of the history, nature and presentation of the problem in the literature. Information was provided on the study of the current situation in the field of education of children and adolescents with autism. The developmental characteristics of children and adolescents with autism, the psychological characteristics of adaptation to school life and learning activities and the factors influencing their development were studied.

The monograph also contains information about the gender perceptions of adolescent boys and girls with autism. Extensive information was provided on the social maladaptation of adolescents with autism and the factors affecting it, as well as family relationships and its impact on the mental health of adolescents.

The book, published by “ Science and Education” Publishing House, is intended for teachers of pedagogy, psychology and social work, bachelors, masters, doctoral students and dissertators, as well as specialists interested in this field.

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