An international symposium co-organized by Azerbaijan University will be held in Turkey

An international symposium co-organized by Azerbaijan University will be held in Turkey

18 june 2019

Baxış sayı: 3719

The next international event co-organized by Azerbaijan University will be held in Turkey. The other organizers of the International Symposium on Sufi Research: Nasimi-650, dedicated to the 650th anniversary of great Azerbaijani poet and thinker Imadeddin Nasimi are Education Society of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University in Turkey. The symposium will be held in Cappadocia, one of the famous tourizm centres of Turkey, from 9 to 11 September.

The event is organized as a part of the work that is done at Azerbaijan University to achieve the status of a research university and to increase the international scientific reputation of the university, as well as in accordance with the action plan of the university on the announcement of  2019 as a Year of  Nasimi by President Ilham Aliyev.

The symposium is held in order to bring scholars together who are conducting research on Sufi philosophy in the Turkish world, the history of Sufism,determination of  the place and role of Sufism poets in the development of classical literary language and  literary literature,Sufism Literature in the general Turkish world of science, to provide  the  exchange of scientific ideas among scientists, to create new ground for new scientific research and debate, and at the same time to provide the qualitative enrichment of scientific literature on Sufism. Discussing current issues of Turkish world in language, literature, history, culture, philosophy and education, identifying new research areas, exchanging ideas and carrying out various work in the future as a basis for joint projects between the Turkish people are the main purposes of  the international event.

The symposium aims at analyzing the philosophy of Sufism, one of the most important parts of general Turkish culture, and its manifestation in literature from the modern point of view, thus revealing the important points that unite Turkish nations. At the event, various ideas and researches on the history and modern literary traditions of the Turkish people are planned.

Along with the scientific events during the symposium, organizing cultural events and trips is a crucial factor for acquaintance with the history and culture of this geography. This will help to strengthen relationships and co-operation between Turkish people living in different geographical areas in future.

Important dates

  • Article submission date : June 15, 2019 - July 25, 2019
  • Date of announcement of accepted articles: August 2, 2019
  • Registration deadline : August 15, 2019 (here it is planned to register by making a payment)
  • Payment for participation in the symposium: 600 AZN (including all expenses)
  • The date of the symposium: 09-11 September, 2019.

* The authors who have the rights to publish their articles and  to participate in the symposium will be informed via e-mail.

Apply conditions

  • Those who want to participate in the symposium must submit the full text of the article.The last submission date is July 25, 2019. Articles sent after the specified date will not be accepted.
  • The language of the symposium is Azerbaijani, Turkish, Russian and English. Articles sent in other languages are not accepted. The guidelines should be followed when preparing the articles.
  • A reporter  has the right to send only one article. Articles that have more than two authors are not accepted.
  • Authors alongside with information about themselves (name, surname, patronymic name, place of work or study, e-mail address), may also send the full text of the articles to or Authors are responsible for the issues that will arise in posting articles.
  • Certificates will not be given if the reports are not submitted by the authors. Authors of the articles are responsible for the text of the reports

Design of articles

Articles must be written in Azerbaijani, Turkish, Russian and English, in Word format, Times New Roman, 14 fonts , 1.5 intervals and should be no more than 6-8 pages.

  • The title of the article should consist of no more than 8 words in the same language that the article is written.The personal information of the author should be indicated in 11 fonts and italics under the title of the article, on the right.
  • At the beginning of the article, the summary should be written in the same language, but at the end, it should be in Russian and English. Key words should be written in three languages after the summary. The summary might be about 150-200 words.
  • Any pictures or photos that can be used in the article are included into the number of pages.
  • Articles should be sent to or to by July 25, 2019.
  • Reports that are accepted for publishing and performing at the symposium will be made after the entire text evaluation by the Organizing Committee.
  • We invite researchers and academics of the sphere to participate in the event, to present their scientific results, and we wish success to the work of the symposium.

Public Relations Department