Ulviya Rahimova`s article was published in a journal indexed on the Web of Science

Ulviya Rahimova's article was published in a journal indexed on the Web of Science

24 november 2021

Baxış sayı: 2175

Ulviyya Rahimova, chief of the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor, published a scientific article entitled "Author:" to be and not to be "" in the "Universidad & Sociedad" scientific journal indexed on the Web of Science.

The article analyzes the scientific-theoretical provisions related to the concept of authorship in the context of art of different periods, reveals how the metaphor of "author's death" is established in the theory of narration. It is noted that in the XIX century, the aesthetics of romanticism sought to absolve the individual-beginning of the creative process. However, in classical realism, which emerged at about the same time, objective reality did not become the main factor determining the principles of structure, the idea-content of the literary-artistic example, which prevailed over the subjective beginning. Of course, this does not mean that the creative individual disappears completely. No, it does not disappear, it is squeezed into an individual style. This tendency manifests itself in one way or another in all aspects of modernism, and in fact disappears completely in the "new novel", which is the "last effort" of modernism. From this point of view, especially in the XIX-XX centuries, the history of the literary process can be characterized as a gradual "suicide" of the author. The problem of the author's death in postmodernism has given new life to Shakespeare's death or death aphorism: Does the author who puts an end to the work, as Roland Bart said, "die" in the work, or continue to live a different life in the text restored by the reader?

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