Today`s independent Azerbaijan is the masterpiece of Haydar Aliyev

Today's independent Azerbaijan is the masterpiece of Haydar Aliyev

10 may 2018

Baxış sayı: 4185

The administration of Azerbaijan University honored the memory of the great leader in the Alley of Honor on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the architect and founder of the modern and independent Azerbaijan, prominent statesman and National Leader Heydar Aliyev, and laid flowers at his grave.  Wreath is laid in front of the bust of the Great leader in the foyer of the University

The commemorative event at the University building began with the performance of the State Anthem. The guest of the University, Head of the Department of History of ANAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences ,Professor Adalat Gasimov on “The place and role of Heydar Aliyev's personality in the history of Azerbaijan" and  Head of the Department of Social Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Gabil Aliyev's "Heydar Aliyev and ADR" lectures were listened.

Prof. Adalat Gasimov noted that the 95th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev is celebrated with great enthusiasm in our republic and outside the country. Because today's independent Azerbaijan is his masterpiece. Today, the history of our people, which is moving forward with confidence in the path of independence and progress, is connected with the name of the great leader. President Ilham Aliyev continues the political course of the nationwide leader successfully,who brought the people out of  the most difficult and hardest trial of history leading them to the progress by identifying the country's development strategy.

Prof. Gabil Aliyev recalled the announcement of “The Year of ADR” by the decree of  President Ilham Aliyev in 2018 and stressed that one of the great services of the National Leader is the assessment of the place of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in our history. He always praised the history of the ADR and its founders.

Following the speeches, the event participants watched a documentary film about the life and activities of the Nationwide Leader. The demonstration of a documentary film for the students throughout the day was continued.

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