Our new target is to become a research-oriented university

Our new target is to become a research-oriented university

07 february 2018

Baxış sayı: 4605

A meeting on the outcomes of 2017 and forthcoming tasks was held at Azerbaijan University. University administration and professor-teacher staff attended the event.

Rector Saadat Aliyeva made a report on the results of the university's annual activity for 2017 at the beginning of the event. The report summarized the achievements of the university, development of the material and technical base, improvement of the quality of teaching and the work done towards the establishment of university management at the level of modern requirements, as well as the tasks set in the strategic development plan were mentioned.

The rector also outlined the goals of Azerbaijan University. Saadat Aliyeva said that the transition to the e-university model, application of dual diploma programs and achieving research-oriented university goals have been determined as priority objectives.

Later, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, prof. Yusif Gasimov informed the participants about carried out scientific-researches, conducted scientific conferences, work done to increase the international reputation of the university in 2017.

Yusif Gasimov stated that the greatest achievement of the University in the field of scientific activity in 2017 was achieving full access to the world-famous scientific assessment system “Thomson Reuters” platform. The first international conference outside the country will be held on 5-7 April 2018 with the co-organization of Azerbaijan University. Being selected as the co-organizer of II International Scientific Conference on “Innovations and Creativity” which will be held jointly with the Latvian University of Liepaja is an indicator of growing international reputation as a science and education institution of Azerbaijan University.

In his speech vice-rector gave information about raising the scientific reputation of the university, stimulating measures that will be implemented in the direction of more efficient usage of the scientific potential of professor-teacher staff as well.

Public Relations Department