The first event of the new year was held jointly with the Center for Socia Research

The first event of the new year was held jointly with the Center for Socia Research

06 january 2021

Baxış sayı: 2029

The last event in the series of victory webinars at Azerbaijan University was dedicated to the theme “The Great Return.” The prominent guest of the webinar organized by the Department of Social Work was Zahid Oruj – the Deputy and the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee of Milli Majlis, and the Board Chairman of the Center for Social research. It was mentioned that Azerbaijan is now on the verge of a great return to Karabakh, and our country is determined to make Karabakh one of the most developed regions in the world with a return plan.

Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Yusif Gasimov accepted the invitation and thanked the MP for participating in the event. Yusif Gasimov spoke about the scale of Azerbaijani`s victory on the battlefield and the political-diplomatic, socio-economic, and geopolitical consequences in his speech.

MP Zahid Oruj Said that the first event of the Center for Social Research in 2021 was held jointly with Azerbaijan University, and wished prosperity to all the forces giving the glorious and great victory to the people of Azerbaijan. He also noted that although there are interstate problems in the world being essentially parallel to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, our country`s victory over the occupying power has no analogs. Besides, it is impossible to find an international example, a prototype of the return to historical lands, the homeland. Giving information about the existing approaches and proposals in this direction, the MP shared vis views on the preparation and implementation of the plan to return to Karabakh and stressed the importance of protecting the Supreme-Commander-in-Chief in the reconstruction, landscaping, and restoration work. After the speeches, the participants were informed about the war, which began on September 27, 2020, as a result of Armenian provocations and was “forced to make peace” by the Azerbaijani Army`s counteroffensive. The results of a survey conducted with IDPs to study their attitude to coexistence and, finally the attitude of the Azerbaijani army and state to the unity of the people during the war were presented. It was noted that the survey was conducted by phone with 464 IDP families who are provided with housing in Gobu settlement. According to the survey, the vast majority of our citizens who left their lands and settlements for 30 years as a result of Armenia`s aggressive policy during the first Karabakh War are determined and confident to return to the villages and towns liberated by the Azerbaijani army. On the other hand, young people have a special place among those who declare that they will return to our great country with high ideals and sacred feelings.

In the end, Zahid Oruj answered numerous questions addressed to him by the participants of the event.

Public Relations Department