Held webinar dedicated to Victory Day

Held webinar dedicated to Victory Day

03 november 2021

Baxış sayı: 1512

Azerbaijan University held a webinar on "Symbol of our victory: a strong economy, strong army, strong state" as part of Victory Day. The event organized by the Department of Finance and Economics noted that the "iron fist" operation, which began a year ago on September 27, has opened a new page in the history of modern Azerbaijan. We are very proud of the joy of our country's glorious victory in the 44-day Patriotic War, which resonated around the world. We are very proud of the thrill of our country's glorious victory in the 44-day Patriotic War, which echoed around the world.

The Department of Social Sciences, Professor Gabil Aliyev, said that the great victory was at the initial stage of research in various aspects. The professor noted that our state now focuses on a great return to Karabakh and East Zangazur. The economic projects that serve this great cause, the large-scale restoration, construction, and improvement work carried out, are now being carried out at a high level and successfully.

The speech of the head of the Department of Finance and Economics, Nariman Boyukkishi, was dedicated to the economic foundations and army building that ensured the victory of Azerbaijan over the occupying country for almost 30 years. The department noted that the Azerbaijani people and the Azerbaijani military carried out the mission of liberating our lands from occupation and ensuring the territorial integrity of our country under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev with a complete and decisive victory. Nariman Boyukkishi added that our liberated lands have rich economic potential and great opportunities in terms of agriculture and tourism, and our state intends to turn Karabakh and East Zangazur into one of the most beautiful regions in the world.

Public Relations Department