No.2, 2024

No.2, 2024


Gabil Aliyev (pp.5-12)
About the activities of M.A. Rasulzade during the Second World War


Aghanemet Aghayev (pp.13-20)
Fiscal mechanism of macroeconomic sustainability

Nurlana Allahmanli (pp.21-26)
Financial relations and financing of economic development

Emin Ahmadzadeh (pp.27-36)
Energy factor in traditional and sustainable agricultural production

Tovuz Dashdamirova (pp.37-45)
Main factors affecting Azerbaijan's foreign trade relations

Jiayi Huang (pp.46-54)
The logic of forming a socialist market economy with Chinese specifics

Ali Agha Ismayilzada, Vusal Aliyev (pp.55-62)
Improving Azerbaijan corporate governance

Sevda Maharramova (pp.63-74)
Influence of globalization of the world economy on national economic systems

Aygul Salimova (pp.75-83)
Theoretical view on the essence and content of the financial mechanism in the agribusiness system

G.S. Suleymanov, N.N. Abdullayeva, T.A. Sheydai, Z.H. Safarli (pp.84-90)
Perspectives of attracting foreign investments to entrepreneurial subjects


Irine Chachanidze, Tamar Guchua (pp.91-98)
Issues of language and culture in the Georgian diaspora of Baku (According to the Georgian émigré press of the first half of XX century)

Joshgun Dadashov (pp.99-106)
Literary parallels with Scandinavian myths in Michael Moorcock’s novels

Flora Akbarova (pp.107-113)
The information consistency in economic texts

Roya Aliyeva (pp.114-119)
The role of antithesis in English literature texts

Sabahat Hajiyeva (pp.120-128)
Ellipsis as a pragmatic marker in media interviews

Nahida Imanova (pp.129-133)
Media and discourse

Gunay Ismayilova (pp.134-138)
Irony and its characteristics in Somerset Maughamʼs works

Inas Laheg (pp.139-144)
Displacing spaces of otherization and transition in Leila Aboulela’s writing

Gulnar Maharramzada (pp.145-153)
Interdisciplinary polysemy and terminological homonymy

Narmin Mustafayeva (pp.154-160)
The manipulative potential of conceptual metaphors in advertisement texts

Sahila Mustafayeva (pp.161-167)
The importance of using English proverbs in teaching

Matanat Gojaeva (pp.168-174)
Ambiguity and equivocation

Irada Sardarova (pp.175-179)
Actants in linguistics

Izaura Shirinova (pp.180-187)
Exploring metaphors: Their literary, functional and linguistic importance

Solmaz Suleymanova (pp.188-192)
Universal and cultural aesthetic aspects of communication

Zahra Khankishiyeva (pp.193-199)
Creativity of modern English children’s writers in the new approach context

Gulnar Khalilova (pp.200-208)
The problem of word order in the world languages