No.4, 2018


Aghanemat Aghayev (pp.5-11)
Prospects of issuance and circulation of Eurobonds

Ali Badalov (pp.12-19)
Decision making in segmentation. Application of analysis methods and possibilities of use of fuzzy logic theory

Nigar Alakbarova (pp.20-32)
Methods of a research and assessment of economy of medical services

Orkhan  Alekperov (pp.33-45)
Theoretical and  methodological paradigms of  the foreign trade 

Perviz Isgenderov (pp.46-53)
The role of property relations in the evolution of the economic system of society

Ludmila Klimovich, Eleonora Huseynova (pp.54-72)
Analysis of the contribution of the inter-country cooperation of the Republic of Belarus and the Azerbaijan Republic to bilateral trade

Chichak Najafova (pp.73-80)
Principles of tax breakdown of electronic commerce

Nazrin Rustambayova (pp.81-90)
Theoretical basis and practice of multilevel study of human capital


Dilbar Zeynalova (pp.91-98)
Memory in fiction and its functions

Vafa Eyvazova  (pp.99-103) 
The first critical relation to the world in the English literature

Khayala Mammadova (pp.104-107)
Frazeological combinations in Azerbaijani dialects 


Ercan Yılmaz, Ulvi Ismayılov (pp.108-117)
Analysis of the exactness and reliability of the questionnaire on the organizational trust at schools


Gurban Mammadov (pp.118-124)
The role of European convention policy in the integration of Azerbaijan to the European security system

Sevda Suleymanova (pp.125-132)
On a liberation of Baku from the occupation of the English and eser-menshevik forces