New specialties have been added to the admission plan of Azerbaijan University
New specialties have been added to the admission plan of Azerbaijan University for the 2023/2024 academic year. Taking into account the requirements and priorities of the business world, starting this year, personnel trainings for the “Corrective training” specialization at the undergraduate level, and for “Personnel management” and “Management (by fields)” specializations, which are included in the 26th program at the master's level, are launched.
“Corrective training” in the III qualification group is a very important professional area aimed at highly professional establishment of work with children and adolescents with special needs. Their education and upbringing, rehabilitation and adaptation to active life is one of the areas that require a special approach in the field of education. The “Corrective training” specialty trains specialists particularly in this area.
Teaching of the “Social work” specialty, which is included in the III qualification group, has so far been conducted in the Azerbaijani language. Starting this year, students will also be accepted to the English-medium education. Curriculum of this specialty has passed international accreditation for 5 years. The accreditation process was conducted by the Independent Agency For Accreditation and Rating (IAAR). This is the first in the history of both Azerbaijan University and the specialty “Social work” in the country.
Number of planned student positions in the II qualification group has been increased. Another innovation in this qualification group is that students will be admitted to the Specialty “Business Management” in the form of correspondence education.
Starting from this year, teaching of the “Information security” specialty, which is included in the I qualification group, will be conducted in both English and Azerbaijani languages. 10 positions are allocated for the English section. Admission of students to the “Information technologies” specialty in this qualification group has so far been only on in an intramural basis. Since the new academic year, training of personnel in the correspondence form of education has also begun.
At the master’s level, 2 new specializations have been opened for the 26th program. These are the “Personnel management” and “Management (by fields)” specializations. Admission will be held in both the Azerbaijani and English sections.
Another innovation is reflected in the admission plan. Thus, according to the contract signed this year between Azerbaijan University and Tuscia University of Italy, a dual diploma program in the "Marketing" specialty of the MBA program will be implemented. Thus, the number of international dual diploma programs of Azerbaijan University has reached 2. According to the agreement signed in 2019 with Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE) of Ukraine, an international dual diploma program is implemented at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the specialty “Computer Engineering”.
We would like to inform applicants that admission to Azerbaijan University is conducted by the State Examination Center. Admission to all specialties on the bachelor's degree and all specialties on the master's degree except MBA is possible by state order (state funded). The term of study is 5 years, of which 1 (one) academic year is allocated for English-language training of students in specialties taught in English at the undergraduate level. For these specialties, the competition is held jointly for the Azerbaijani-based and Russian-based sections.
You can get acquainted with the undergraduate and graduate programs of Azerbaijan University, as well as the MBA student admission plan for the 2023/2024 academic year by following the links below.
Undergraduate student admission plan
Master's student admission plan
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