Teachers of Azerbaijan University participated in the international congress in Turkey

Teachers of Azerbaijan University participated in the international congress in Turkey

04 july 2019

Baxış sayı: 3539

Rugangiz Alieva, senior teacher at the Finance and Economics Department of Azerbaijan University, and Elmin Nurmammadov, teacher at the department, participated in the V International Congress on Education and Social Sciences (TÜRKCESS 2019), held in Istanbul, Turkey. The congress was hosted by Yildiz Technical University.

Ruhangiz Alieva's article "The Role of the Labor Market in Ensuring Employment in Azerbaijan" analyzed the current state of employment and investigated its impact on the labor market. Elmin Nurmammadov’s article titled "Economic and Social Impacts of the Electronic State: In the Example of Azerbaijan " was devoted to the promotion of public services through the use of e-services, the analysis of the current state of electronic services in Azerbaijan, and the evaluation of economic and social effectiveness by e-services.

Note that, about 900 scientists and researchers from 25 countries took part in the international event "XXI century skills and 2023 educational vision".

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