“Ipek Yolu” scientific journal of Azerbaijan University is registered in Index Copernicus database

“Ipek Yolu” scientific journal of Azerbaijan University is registered in Index Copernicus database

25 october 2022

Baxış sayı: 5908

The official letter received from the Index Copernicus database to the Science Department of Azerbaijan University states that the scientific journal "Ipek yolu" has been accepted for indexing in the mentioned database.

Note that the Index Copernicus database is included in the list of international summarizing and indexing systems, which include periodical scientific publications in the field of philology by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In this regard, we congratulate the editors, members of the editorial board, reviewers, authors, and highly appreciate their role and contributions in achieving this serious success.

We believe that the indexing of the "Ipek Yolu" journal in this database will significantly expand the author geography of the journal, which in turn will contribute to the further improvement of its scientific level.

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