Vol.2 / No.1
R. Anaya, A. Espinosa, J. Marti (pp.5-14)Psychopolitical explanation of a presidential impeachment in Peru. The role of populist attitudes and political moral laxity in president Castillo’s removal
E. Drăghici (pp.15-24)The residential centres for the elderly in Romania after 1990
K.V. Kristoff (pp.25-31)The presence of Stockholm syndrome in victims of domestic violence
T. Verdiyeva, A. Saniyeva (pp.32-54)Organization of social work in schools
G. Oancea (pp.55-68)What's the deal with the morgue?
A. Marradi (pp.69-79)On the term ‘Metascience’ and the associated concept
F. Bayramova (pp.80-89)Factors affecting the modernization of preschool education and their intensification