Vol.2 / No.3, 2024
M. Blagojevic, S. Lebedev (pp.127-138)Religious situation in post-Soviet Russia: Towards the analysis of the pro-Orthodox consensus
S.I. Kashcheev, A.L. Ignatkina (pp.139-146)The dynamics of language structures and the emergence of antique philosophy
R.E. Barash (pp.147-153)Historical memory as a resource of social consolidation: The cases of Russia and Azerbaijan
T. Eyvazova, R. Asgarov (pp.154-158)Social services provided to women who are victims of domestic violence in Azerbaijan
O. Gracheva, I. Mkrtumova (pp.159-166)Parental alienation syndrome and prevention technologies
O. Samolyanov (pp.167-174)Leadership in a spiritual community (Based on the example of the Usui Shiki Ryoho community of practice)
Z.N. Shcherbinina (pp.175-184)Sociology of education in Russia: Changes, trends, accessibility parameters
A.S. Stoyanov (pp.185-192) Non-binary identifıcation as a social elevator of youth
V. Kryukov(pp.193-199)Versıons FND the essence of values
N. Karimova(pp.200-205)Theoretical basics of the socialization of pre-school children deprived of parental protection